Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Rainy Night

It’s not very often in this city, the city of Calgary that you can leave your window open at night and let the rain lull you to sleep. I can tell you about the many times I have watched the snow fall from the nights cloud cover, the streetlights painting the clouds a dark orange, for hours at a time. I can tell you about the layers of dust that loiter on your car (and everything else) during the dusty days of summers, but listening to the rain is a rare activity in this town.

The weather folks down east are calling for a system of rain to wash over the city for the next couple of days, and I am happy to see the city finally get clean; a fine layer of dust and grime from the long winter still clings to everything, and despite how much we think we can clean this place on our own, mother nature still does a far better job. I for one am ready to see the last remnants of winter to be washed away, and for our short spring to do its thing to pave the way for a hot and long summer. I just hope that what I heard on the radio the other week, the fact that the weather network is calling for a hot summer, is coming to come to pass; it was a long and cold winter, and I think I am speaking for a lot of us by saying that a nice summer would be greatly appreciated. Hell, I will start making sacrifices to random and nondescript gods/monsters if we can only have a hot summer!

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