Friday, March 2, 2012

A Few Reasons Why Skyward Sword Pisses Me Off

1.   Fi is easily one of the most irritating video game characters to come along in a long time. Not only does she constantly reiterate everything you are told seconds after reading it, as if the people playing the Zelda series for over twenty years have no idea how these games work. She also beeps along with the still annoying low heart beep, which does nothing but fill me with resent and a mind numbing irritation. I hate her, and I hate whoever thought she was a good idea.

2.  The over world is dull and empty. I thought the oceans in Wind Waker and Phantom Hour were lazy, and Skywards sky feels the exact same way. Flying around an empty expanse to get each level gets old fast, and the few things interspersed in the nothingness are uninteresting and not worth your time.

3.   The story has no real climax. Go and do this x3, go and do something else x3, travel through time and beat the game; it`s boring, repetitive, and lazy. It`s a real shame too, because the story in Skyward Sword was said to be such a prominent aspect of the game and is a lot more overt than in previous Zelda titles.

4.   It is the same Zelda game we have all been playing since Ocarina of Time, hell, since A Link to the Past and I for one am ready to see the series do something new. Sure the game is selling well (3.11 million globally according to VG charts), but compare that to Skyrim (10.30 million globally) or to the fact that only about 3% of the Wii`s 95.2 million consoles user base bought the game should say something to the top brass at Nintendo.

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