Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Intro to Deep Thought

For the second time during our tenure of World of Warcraft, my friend Thom and I have recently started a brand new guild. We transferred off the under populated Vashj, to be greeted with the hustle and bustle of Korgath, a server created to house the spill-over from the over populated Kil’Jaden server. It is interesting to note that Kil’Jaden was where we started our first, and only, successful guild: Freedom Fighters. We named our new guild Deep Thought, after the mighty computer from Douglas Adam’s classic novel series, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

As of right now, the guild is being run by Thom on Onions the hunter; me on my priest, Satoira; and along with Thom’s girlfriend and few of his work buddies, we have managed to gather a small smattering of other random people into our ranks. The challenge now is to engage the people in those ranks in the hopes that they will stay, and become important members of the guild. We will also continue to recruit as many people as we can; the idea is to weed out the bad eggs later on, once personalities start to surface out of the current silence. I am also thinking that we should try and brand our guild as a place for the young and urban adults who play WoW. We should make it a place where it is assumed that WoW is not the end all and be all of life, because we all have other things going on in our lives, and this game is just a great way to unwind.

So after all was said and done, I have decided that I am going to chronicle this attempt of ours to start this guild from the ground up. I hope we will be raiding the first tier of content in WoW’s forthcoming expansion, Mists of Pandaria by the time I am done with this, and I hope we get to come across a bunch of interesting people as we continue with this social experiment called the MMO guild. It is always neat to meet the variety of people who play this game.

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